1. What is your EQ?
How can an attorney best present his case?
2. What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
An attorney has to present himself well in order to present his case.
3. What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
An attorney has to understand the evidence well in order to present his case.
4. List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
- paying attention to detail can help you in the future
- understanding the facts can allow you to think outside the box more effectively
- my mentor has always stressed that detail is crucial
Hill, Christin. EVIDENCE. N.p.: Harvard, n.d. PDF.
6. What other source supports your answer?
My interview and my IC 2.
7. Tie this together with a concluding thought.
It's very important to not miss anything that may be crucial later on. I tend to do that, and should i become an attorney I need to learn how to be more observant.